Top 5 Concrete Signs It’s Infatuation, Not Love

In matters of the heart, distinguishing between infatuation and love can be tricky. Sometimes, what we think is love turns out to be mere infatuation. It’s essential to recognize the difference to make informed decisions about our relationships. In this article, we’ll explore five concrete signs that can help you identify whether it’s infatuation or the real deal, love.

Rapid Intensity, Slow Sustainment

Infatuation often begins with a whirlwind of intense emotions. You feel an instant attraction and can’t stop thinking about the person. However, this intensity may fade as quickly as it appeared.

Love, on the other hand, builds gradually over time. It deepens and sustains itself through both good and challenging times. If your feelings are incredibly intense but short-lived, it might be infatuation rather than love.

Idealization vs. Acceptance

Infatuation tends to idealize the object of affection. You may overlook their flaws or create an unrealistic image of them in your mind. Love, in contrast, involves accepting the person’s imperfections and loving them despite their flaws. If you find yourself unwilling to acknowledge your partner’s shortcomings, it’s a sign that you might be infatuated.

Superficial vs. Deep Emotional Bond

Infatuation often revolves around physical attraction and surface-level qualities. It’s about being infatuated with someone’s appearance, charisma, or charm. Love, however, goes beyond the surface.

It’s about forming a deep emotional connection, understanding each other’s vulnerabilities, and supporting one another through thick and thin. If your connection with someone is primarily based on surface-level traits, it could be infatuation.

Possession vs. Freedom

Infatuation can lead to possessiveness. You might feel a strong urge to control the other person’s actions or be excessively jealous. Love, conversely, values freedom and trusts the other person’s choices. If you find yourself trying to control your partner’s life or constantly doubting their loyalty, it’s more likely infatuation.

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Goals

Infatuation often focuses on the present moment and immediate gratification. It’s about how the person makes you feel right now. Love, on the other hand, considers the long-term future. It involves planning together, setting shared goals, and working towards a life together. If your relationship lacks discussions about the future and shared goals, it might be infatuation.


In the complex realm of emotions, distinguishing between infatuation and love is crucial. Infatuation can be intense and exhilarating but is often short-lived. Love, on the other hand, is a deep, enduring connection that withstands the test of time.


Can infatuation turn into love?

Yes, infatuation can evolve into love as you get to know the person better and develop a deeper connection over time.

How long does infatuation typically last?

Infatuation’s intensity can vary from person to person, but it often lasts for a few months.

Is it possible to experience both infatuation and love simultaneously?

Yes, it’s possible to experience a combination of infatuation and love, especially in the early stages of a relationship.

Can love turn into infatuation?

Love can evolve into infatuation if you begin to focus solely on the idealized aspects of your partner and lose sight of their true nature.

What role does communication play in distinguishing between infatuation and love?

Open and honest communication is essential in determining whether your feelings are based on a deeper emotional connection (love) or surface-level attraction (infatuation).

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